5 Super Tips for Improving Communication Skill
It might sound an over-simplification, but it's true. The
best way of improving communication skill is through
practice. There are some easy and fun ways that you
can improve your communication skill, though, so you
needn't worry about it being too hard to do.
Remember that communication can be either written or
spoken. Both of these improve with practice and here
are some fun ways to do that:
1. Write down your thoughts
Just write down anything. It can be impromptu and you
Don't have to show these ideas to anyone. This helps you
to be able to order your thoughts logically.
However, if you find that you enjoy this way of expressing
yourself, you could join an online community or article
database which will publish your articles. There are lots
of opportunities like this online and some even offer
payment, but what is probably more important and more
gratifying is knowing that people are reading your
You may even find a site where articles are ranked
by your peers. If you dare to subject yourself to such
ranking, then you can be pleasantly surprised at how highly
regarded your writing becomes.
2. Learn from other communicators
Watch speakers on TV or go to lectures. See how the
experts do it. You can learn a lot this way, seeing
what you liked about their way of putting their message
In improving communication skill, it's important to
have the confidence to get your own style. Getting some
tips from others is fine, but no-one has all the answers
and you may well have some good ideas yourself.
Your communication style needs to be individual to you
and you need to feel comfortable communicating in this
way for it to be really effective.
3. Try the telephone
Telephone conversations take a different set of skills.
Obviously, one big difference is that you can't read
body language of the person you're talking to on the end
of the telephone line. Also, without this body language
to read, silences can seem much longer over the phone.
They are still important pauses to allow people to think,
though, so you need to learn not to be frightened of
these pauses in conversation.
4. Chat to people
Try holding a conversation with anyone you meet - the
Bank cashier or the man you pay for your gas when
You fill up the car. Anyone. It's the practice that
5. Strike up a debate
One way of improving communication skill that you may not
have considered is getting a few friends together and having
a friendly debate. Pick a current topic in which you are all
interested. It doesn't have to be anything weighty or in any
way controversial; in fact, whilst you are just starting out
improving your communication skill, it really should be
something light and fun in which everyone can
Serve up the coffee and have fun with the debate. It can
be casual and low-key and if you really want to have
fun with it, which not switch to argue on the opposite
side a little way into the debate. That's a great way of
improving communication skill. Keep it impersonal and
remember not to directly attack anyone and you can
have a really fun time and also learn a lot in the process.
So, try a few of these tips and see how much more
comfortable you feel in communicating with other people,
both people you know and strangers. You will soon be
improving communication skills in all areas of your life
and you should be enjoying it too.
And do remember, exceptional communication skills can be
Find a proven formula and follow it. You will be amazed at
how quickly you will progress. Although some people fear
otherwise, people skills can be learned by anyone of at
least average intelligence.
The difficulties you had in the past will not stop you
making rapid progress now. What matters is learning a
proven approach you can use for the rest of your life.
I did it. It took me several years.